The Saint Joseph Church Choir is an enthusiastic and dedicated group of some 25 choristers who strive to enhance the Sacred Liturgy and support the Holy Family Parish worship community through music. This volunteer choir sings at the 9:30 AM Sunday liturgy as well as other liturgies during the year, including Christmas Midnight Mass and Holy Week.
The Choir sings a wide repertoire which includes music ranging from the classical repertoire of Bach, Handel and Mozart, to Latin motets, to spirituals, contemporary works and music of other cultures. The Saint Joseph Church Choir is open to anyone who wishes to volunteer their time and talent. Some singing experience is helpful but not necessary. Rehearsals take place Thursday evenings at 7:00 pm, September thru May, at the Holy Family Parish Center for Religious Education and Sacred Music. Contact the Director of Music, Lucia Clemente Falco, CAGO, or visit the choir loft after any weekend Mass.
In 1927 the fifth pastor of Saint Joseph Parish, The Reverend William H. Ducharme, commissioned Casavant Frères of Saint-Hyacinthe Québec to build an organ for the newly constructed Saint Joseph Church on Hamilton Street in Worcester. The Casavant organ installation was completed for Easter Sunday 1928 just prior to the dedication of the new church building. At the time the organ cost $16,000.
The organ retains its original playing action, console mechanisms and pipe work.The organ case was designed by the architect of the church Onésime E. Nault of Worcester who also designed other churches, schools, and convents in New England and Québec. Dick Brothers of Worcester executed the wood work of the organ case, as well as the wood work for the rest of the church, including pews and confessionals. Casavant supplied the dummy pipes according to Nault's plans.
The present St. Joseph Church was dedicated on May 6, 1928. The organist of the Parish, Lucien LaChance, played three organ solos for the dedication: Final de La Première Symphonie en Ré mineur by Louis Vierne; Pastorale from Dix pièces pour orgue, vol. 2 by Théodore Salomé and Fanfare en D. from École d'Orgue, basée sur le plain-chant romain by Jacques-Nicolas Lemmens. Lucien LaChance studied with the noted Canadian pianist, music pedagogue, composer and organist of The Montréal Cathedral, Arthur Letondal (1869-1956). In 1928, parishioner Mrs. Clemence LeClerc initially served as the assistant organist and later became the parish organist. In 1931 she played a concert on the organ featuring works of Bach, Salomé, Franck (A minor chorale) and, Gigout. Mrs LeClerc remained organist of Saint Joseph Parish until 1973! A plaque commemorating her dedicated service to the parish is on the console. OHS Database: Instrument Details